Deleting transactions from the Bank Reconciliation window

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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If necessary, transactions can be deleted from the Deposits and Other Credits tab, the Checks and Other Debits tab, and the Other Items tab of the Bank Reconciliation window. In addition, orphan checks can be permanently deleted from bank reconciliation.

Transactions deleted from the Bank reconciliation window are not automatically deleted from the Tasks > Transaction Entry window.

Items deleted from bank reconciliation cannot be recovered. If you have incorrectly deleted an item from the Bank Reconciliation window, you must first delete it from the Transaction Entry window and then re-enter it.

To delete a transaction during bank reconciliation: Highlight the row number or range of row numbers for the item(s) you wish to delete and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.

To remove a transaction from the client's database: Delete the transaction from the Tasks > Transaction Entry window.

See also

Bank Reconciliation Overview

Bank Reconciliation WalkThrough (PDF)

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