Combine checks with the same check number (toggle)

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Combine checks with the same check number command is available from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu when the Checks and Other Deposits tab of the Bank Reconciliation window is active. (Payroll checks are not combined even if this option is marked.)

This command is a toggle - it can be set to either ON or OFF, with OFF as the original application setting. It applies only to the currently selected checkbook.

  • When the toggle is ON, multiple checks with the same check number that were entered in the Tasks > Transaction Entry window are automatically combined into a single check item for bank reconciliation. Please note that the command does not affect payroll or vendor checks entered elsewhere in the application, nor does it affect checks cleared during a prior bank reconciliation.
  • When the toggle is OFF, multiple checks with the same check number appear as separate items in the Bank Reconciliation window.

Note: Changing the toggle setting for this command results in an immediate rebuild of uncleared transactions. Rebuilding will cause any split deposits for the current checkbook will be replaced by the original deposit amount less any deposit amounts that were split and cleared during a prior bank reconciliation.

Return to Bank Reconciliation Overview

Related topic: Bank Reconciliation > Checks and Other Debits tab

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