Verify the current-period checks and other debit transactions

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

In the Transactions window (or using the Transaction Listing report), verify the following and make any corrections that may be required.

  • Are payroll checks missing from the bank reconciliation?

    If so, do the following: (1) Choose File > Client Properties, click the Payroll tab, and then click the Payroll Journal Entry button. (2) Mark the Create payroll journal entry checkbox, click OK, and click OK again to close the Client Properties dialog. (3) From the Payroll Check Entry window, press F3, and choose the Regenerate Payroll Journal Entries command.

  • Have all checks been balanced to the correct checkbook GL account number?
  • Does each transaction reference the correct checkbook GL account number(s)?

    Any cash transfers between checkbook GL accounts can be made from the Checks and Deposits tab in the Transactions window with a balancing entry to the cash account to which the deposit is being made.

  • Has each check been recorded just once?

    Verify that a check was not accidentally entered both in the Payroll Check Entry window or Vendor Check Entry window and in the Transactions window. To search for duplicates, print a Transaction Listing sorted by Reference.

  • Have any checks been incorrectly recorded with a reference greater than the Starting check number specified on the General Ledger tab of File > Client Properties dialog?
  • Have the balancing entries been recorded correctly?

    To correct a problem with a balancing entry, delete the balancing entry, press ALT+B to recreate the balancing entry, and then press F5 to re-post the transactions.

  • Has each group of checks been balanced to a single checkbook account, and does the Balancing entry reference match the reference entered on the General Ledger tab of File > Client Properties dialog?
  • Have all entries for the cash account been correctly recorded in the Additional Distributions section of Check and Deposits tab of the Transactions window?
  • Were any checks or journal entries missing from this bank reconciliation cleared or deleted during a previous bank reconciliation?

    To determine this, open the window where the transaction was originally entered (Transaction Entry, Vendor Check Entry, or Payroll Check Entry), select the transaction in question, and review the information in the status bar at the bottom of the data-entry window. The notation CLR (or DEL) appears for a transaction marked as cleared (or deleted) during bank reconciliation.

    Transactions window status bar



    Payroll Check Entry window status bar OR Vendor Check Entry window status bar


    A transaction incorrectly cleared or deleted during a previous bank reconciliation can be re-entered in the Initial Open Items dialog.

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