Adding a blank column to a custom payroll report

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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To add a blank column to your custom report:

  1. In the Custom Report Layout dialog, click the Add Text button.
  2. In the Add Text dialog, enter the desired width of the text column in the Length field.
  3. Select the desired sort option from the drop-down list for the Sort field.

    Note: If you choose either the Primary or Secondary option, you must choose either the Ascending option (default) or the Descending option.

  4. Mark the Zero/blank test, Hide, and Total checkboxes as desired.
  5. Clear all the text in the Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3 fields.
  6. Do not enter any text in the Text field.
  7. Click OK. A blank column is added to the bottom of the list in the Columns in layout pane.

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