Matching column lengths

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For text in a custom payroll report to line up correctly, the columns in the same position in a row need to have the same length. To match column lengths:

  1. Open the Custom Reports dialog by choosing Setup > System Configuration > Custom Reports.
  2. Select the name of the custom report to print, then click the Layout button.
  3. In the Custom Reports Layout dialog, check the first column of each row. If the length values don't match, your reports will not print correctly. For example, in this graphic, the Employee ID column and the Street column are in the same position; the first column in their respective rows.


  4. Because the Length values don't match, the text in the report will be out of alignment. To fix this, we'll adjust the Employee ID column to match the length of the Street column. When you adjust your own custom reports, you can adjust either column that is out of alignment.
  5. Select the Employee ID column.
  6. Click the Properties button
  7. Enter a value in the Length field that matches the value in the Length field for the Street column.
  8. Click OK. Now the Length values match and the report will print correctly.


  9. Repeat these steps for any column whose value doesn't match the corresponding value in another row.

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