Employee setup: Entering personal and W-2 information for an employee

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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  1. Click the Personal > W-2 tab of the Setup > Employees window.
  2. Optional. Enter the new employee's date of birth, hire date, marital status, gender, and race. In the text fields, enter any text you may want included in SUTA forms (please refer to the state forms help for more details). The text fields are also used to include medical insurance availability information in the New Hire report.
  3. In the checkbox grid, mark the checkbox for any items that apply to the selected employee.
  4. In the W-2 information group box, mark the checkbox for any items that apply to W-2 processing for the selected employee.
  5. In the Other W-2 item field, designate any additional item to appear on this employee's W-2 by choosing it from the drop-down list containing an alphabetical list of all global pay and deduction items (as defined via Setup > System Configuration).
  6. In the Other W-2 amt. field, enter the annual amount associated with the payroll item (if any) listed in the Other W-2 Item field above.

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