Excluding clients and employees from the retirement plan catch-up provision

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Retirement plans and catch-up limits are set up in the Federal Tax Information > Retirement Plan Limits dialog. These limits are set globally, and thus affect all clients and all employees.

Excluding a client from the Catch-up provision

  1. With the appropriate client open, choose File > Client Properties and click the Calculating Payroll tab.
  2. Mark the Exclude from catch-up provision checkbox in the Retirement plan info group box.
  3. Click OK to save the information.

Excluding an employee from the Catch-up provision

  1. With the appropriate client open, choose Setup > Employees.
  2. Select the employee in the Employee list, and click the Edit button.
  3. Click the Personal > W-2 tab.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the checkbox grid and mark the Exclude from catch-up checkbox.
  5. Click Enter to save the information.

Related topics

Federal Tax Information > Retirement Plan Limits dialog

Setting up limits for retirement plans and catch-up provisions

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