Reverting to a prior payroll period

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For live payroll only

If you advance the payroll period and later need to return to a previous payroll period to enter and print new payroll or vendor checks, you will need to revert to that period using the File > Select Period to Process dialog.

Unprinted payroll and vendor checks can be entered only within the latest period (which is the most recent payroll period in which printed or handwritten checks exist for the client, or it can be the latest payroll period accessed for the client. If the current period is not the latest period, it is displayed in the far right pane of the CSA status bar marked by an asterisk (*). To revert back to a prior period (making the current period the latest period), follow these steps.

  1. Choose File > Select Period to Process.

    Note: If you have any printed or handwritten payroll or vendor checks in any period later than the one to which you want to revert, you must delete them. Unprinted checks will automatically revert along with the period, so they do not need to be deleted.

  2. In the Select Period to Process dialog, highlight the payroll period that you want to specify as the latest period.
  3. Click the Move to Selected Period button. If the client has unprinted checks, the application asks you to verify that you want to change the period. Click Yes when prompted.
  4. When the payroll period has automatically reverted, and the current period is also the latest period, you can re-enter any checks that you deleted, if appropriate.

The payroll period will revert only if the following criteria are met:

  • No handwritten or printed checks exist in the period you are moving from.
  • No handwritten or printed checks exist in any payroll period between the period you are moving from and the period you are moving back to.
  • The period you are moving back to is in the same year as the period you are moving from.


Consider the following scenario.

  • In January 2006, you enter and print checks. The latest period is January, 2006.
  • You move the payroll period one month forward, to February 2006, and enter and print checks. The latest period is now February, 2006.
  • You move the payroll period to December, 2006. As the latest period accessed for the client, the latest period is now December, 2006.

If you move the payroll period directly back from December 2006 to January 2006, after a prompt, unprinted checks are moved to January 2006. December 2006 is still the latest period. (Checks exist in-between January 2006 and December 2006, thus the payroll period will not automatically revert).

If you move the payroll period back from December 2006 to February 2006, after a prompt, unprinted checks are moved to February, and the application automatically reverts to February as the latest period. (All criteria are met).

See also: Select Period to Process [File menu]

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