Vendor Checks dialog for Form 941

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Information in the Vendor Checks dialog is used when retrieving payroll information for the Form 941. The application automatically displays in this dialog information for printed or handwritten vendor checks written to the selected vendor (such as a bank or the IRS, to which client's 941 payments are made).

Choose Payroll Tax Processing from the Utilities menu, and then click the US flag (941) icon in the shortcut bar or choose 941 from the View menu, and then do the following:

  1. From the Form 941 window, choose Tasks > Retrieve Payroll Information (or press the CTRL+R shortcut keys), and select the appropriate period. To clear any previously entered form overrides, mark the Clear Form Overrides checkbox. Click OK to continue.
  2. From the Form 941 window, choose Tasks > Vendor Checks (or press the CTRL+V shortcut keys).
  3. In the Vendor Checks dialog, choose the vendor to which the 941 payments were made by selecting it from the drop-down list. When you TAB off that field, the application fills in the checks list with the actual check information for that vendor (by check date) for the payroll period retrieved and for an additional month before and after.

    The application automatically marks the checkboxes for payment checks that fall within the Offset (In Days) period that you have specified, or you may manually mark and unmark checkboxes as appropriate for the client. If the offset is 0, then only checks in the current retrieved period are marked. The amount shown in the Total field will automatically carry to Line 11 in the Form 941 window.

    If information already exists in the Setup > 941 Supplemental Information dialog for Deposits for quarter, the application will use that amount instead for Line 11 of the form and will not override that with information from the 941 Vendor Checks dialog.

  4. Click OK to save your selections in the Vendor Checks dialog and return to the Form 941 window.

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