Assign Trial Balance [Tasks menu]

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

Engagement CS allows you to access Trial Balance CS from within the Engagement CS workspace. You can open the Trial Balance grid directly in Engagement CS to add, delete, and edit journal entries, as well as perform the following Trial Balance-related tasks when you select the appropriate items from the Tasks menu.

  • Edit and maintain up to five different grouping schedules.
  • Set up and edit tickmarks.
  • Edit the three or four types of balances from the Balance Definitions dialog.
  • Set up and edit Additional Amounts for workpapers and financial statements in CSA.

Choose Tasks > Assign Trial Balance.

The Trial Balance in CSA can be assigned to only one staff member working in the current engagement. You can see if the Trial Balance is assigned to anyone on the engagement team by referring to the Name and Assigned columns in the Tree View window.

Special information

  • As the staff in charge of the engagement documents, you may mark the Check Out Trial Balance checkbox in the Check Out dialog when you want to assign it to a member of the engagement team working in the field. Note that if the Trial Balance is already checked out, the checkbox will not be available to mark.
  • If the Trial Balance is still checked out during the wrap-up process, a warning message will be displayed, and the wrap-up will not complete. However, if the Trial Balance is checked out in a different engagement, the wrap-up process will complete.
  • Choose Tasks > Release Trial Balance to close the current client's database. When a client is opened in Engagement CS, the client's database is opened and is locked for opening by any other staff members on the network within CSA. This option allows you to unlock the trial balance during the current session to enable access to the client in CSA by other staff members.

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