Select Locations and Departments dialog

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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For engagement clients that have locations and/or departments set up, you must process the cash flow by each combination of location and/or department. If only locations or departments exist in the engagement, a cashflow worksheet must be created for each department or location.

From an engagement client with locations and/or departments already, choose Setup > Cash Flow Worksheet > Indirect/Direct to open the Select Locations and Departments dialog.

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Note: To maintain accuracy in both the Indirect and Direct cash flow worksheets it is required that the same option is selected in the Select Locations and Departments dialog when creating cash flow worksheets.

For example, if the Indirect cash flow worksheet is already created using selected locations/departments to create the worksheet, then the Direct cash flow worksheet also has that option selected automatically, and the Use all locations/departments to create worksheet option is unavailable (grayed). The same is true if both worksheets are created using all locations/departments, that option is automatically selected and the Use selected locations/departments to create worksheet is unavailable (grayed).

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