Change Chart of Accounts Mask dialog

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Payroll CS or Payroll Compliance module

For a non-GL or a non-Trial Balance client, you can use this dialog to modify the Chart of Accounts mask.

Choose Chart of Accounts from the Setup menu and then choose Change Chart of Accounts Mask from the F3 or right-click context menu.

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Displays the current Chart of Accounts mask.

Example: LDCCCCCCC.C (where Ls are used to designate locations, Ds for departments, and Cs or As or #s for the core account characters. An optional decimal and optional separates (hyphens or forward slashes) may be used as well, assuming the mask adheres to the rules described in Chart of Accounts special information and mask examples.

To change the Chart of Accounts mask for the selected non-GL/non-Trial Balance client, enter the characters and then click OK.

Example: LDCCCCCCC.C (where Ls are used to designate locations, Ds for departments, and Cs or As or #s for the core account characters. An optional decimal and optional separates (hyphens or forward slashes) may be used as well, assuming the mask adheres to the rules described in Chart of Accounts special information and mask examples.

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