Payroll Check Entry . . . Edit Employee

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Edit Employee option allows you to edit a selected employee's setup information on-the-fly during payroll check entry. The Employee Information dialog contains a series of tabs similar to those in the Employees window, but you can only modify information for the employee whose check you are currently entering. You cannot add employees or delete the selected employee from this dialog. The Edit menu and the right-click context menu in this dialog contain some employee-specific setup options. Changes made in this dialog will flow to the Employees window and will also be reflected immediately in the payroll check you are currently entering.

When the Payroll Check Entry dialog is active, open the Employee Information dialog by choosing Edit > Edit Employee or by choosing Edit Employee from the right-click context menu.

Note: Not all fields in the Employees window are available in the Edit Employees dialog.

Special information

When the Employee Information dialog is active, several commands are available from the Edit menu and from the right-click context menu.

  • Item Properties. (Equivalent to clicking the /_images/acct_pr/csa/details.gif button from the Earnings grid or Tax Withholdings & Deductions grid.) Allows you to edit information for a specific payroll item.
  • Child Support Information. (Payroll CS only) Opens a dialog that allows you to specify the maximum percentage of disposable income to be allotted to this employee's child support deductions. You can also choose to prorate child support across multiple deductions when the child support deductions are over the disposable limit.
  • Federal Levy Information. (Payroll CS only). Opens a dialog that allows you to specify federal levy information (filing status, exemptions, and additional standard deductions) for the currently selected employee.
  • Employee Transfer. Allows you to transfer the selected employee's payroll item information Including payroll item properties from one selected department to another department.
  • Earnings Diagnostics. Allows you to compare earnings amounts to actual check amounts for the selected employee.

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Tabbed pages in this window

General tab

Personal tab

Earnings tab

Other tab

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Fields & buttons

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