Employees or Employee Information > Other tab

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Note: This tab is available through both the Employees window and the Employee Information dialog (from the Payroll Check Entry window). Some options may not be available through the Employee Information dialog.

Use the Other tab of the Employees window or Employee Information dialog to specify the standard hours and multipliers for the selected employee, as well as to specify GL accounts for FICA, FUTA, and SUTA liability and expense amounts. (If you have assigned a template, the default information from that template will appear here, but may be modified as necessary for the selected employee.)

Note: The Earnings tab, Tax Withholdings & Deductions tab, and Other tab of the Employees window and Employee Information dialog are department-specific for each employee. They each include a Department listview field that contains all of the active departments for the employee. The default selection is the employee's home department, and the selection is persistent across these three tabs. The information on these three tabs automatically reflects default information from the department but may be overwritten as necessary for the selected employee.

You must enter the employee's SUTA states in the Other tab of this windows to have the application calculate SUTA amounts and the SUTA Worksheet report. The drop-down list for the state field includes only the states that have already been selected for this client in the Payroll tab of File > Client Properties dialog. The two G/L columns are not accessible if the State column is blank.

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Related topics

Overview of employee setup

Choosing standard hours, multipliers, and GL liability accounts for the selected employee

Configuring payroll clients not to accrue employer taxes for FICA, FUTA, and SUTA

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