Insert Row [Insert menu] (Financial Statement Editor)

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Choose the type of row that you would like to insert by clicking the appropriate option. The row definition is essential to the function of the financial statement. The properties that you apply to a row regulate what will appear in that row, its location, organization, and to some extent, its appearance.

  • Description. Choose Description when you want to place text in a row that will have no amounts or accounts assigned to it. You may also use description rows to leave blank lines. Description is the default mode for all rows.
  • Accounts. Choose Accounts when you want to display the GL amounts for every account in a certain account groups or range of accounts.
  • Total. Choose Total when you want to display the total amount of the selected account groups, account range, or formula.
  • Storage Name. Choose Storage Name if the row(s) define a formula or range of accounts in the Amounts field. You may assign a storage name for that formula or range so that you will not have to redefine it if you need to use it again later.
  • Heading. Choose Heading when you want to label a column. The heading row will flow to the next page of the statement when there is a natural page break. When you insert a manual page break, be sure to insert a new heading row for any columns that flow into subsequent pages of the statement.

See also

Defining rows

Editing financial statements, overview

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