Lacerte Tax Export [Utilities menu] (Trial Balance CS)

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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If you are a licensed user of both Trial Balance CS and the Lacerte tax export capability, you can export client tax data to your Lacerte tax application. Use the Lacerte Tax Export dialog to specify the export file and to select the tax year, balance type, and information to export.

Choose Utilities > Tax Exports > Lacerte.


  • Lacerte does not distinguish between Farm tax codes and Farm Rental tax codes. Therefore, both the Farm Rental property and the Farm will be combined, unless the preceding unit number is different for each. To set up multiple units or properties for Farm (Sch F), Farm Rentals (4835), and Rentals (8825), enter a preceding number to the tax code in the Chart of Accounts, as in the following example.

    Example Tax code 1601 for Farm Income and tax code 1701 for Farm Rental income will flow to the same data-entry window in Lacerte. To avoid this, code the accounts 1601 and 2701 respectively.

  • Tax Code Account Groupings, if set up for the Trial Balance CS client, are included in the Lacerte tax export file when the following two conditions are met: (1) the export details checkbox in the Lacerte Tax Export dialog is marked; and (2) the tax codes that are assigned in the Tax Code Account Groupings dialog are allowed to be reported at the detail level in Lacerte. (Note that Lacerte does note allow detail for every tax code.)

    See also: Sample Tax Code Account Groupings and Lacerte export file format; Exporting client tax data from Trial Balance CS; Tax export diagnostics report

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