Tip Analysis Report

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Tip Analysis Report lists the following information for all checkbooks or for a selected checkbook and for the preferred data range:

For each employee (sorted by ID or name)

  • Check number, date, and description of each tipped wage pay item.
  • Total hours (regular, overtime, and double-time combined), rate, wages, and tips required (minimum wage less the rate times the number of hours) for each tipped wage pay item.
  • Reported tips, tips deemed wages, and any excess or shortfall (reported tips minus required tips, with a negative amount indicating a shortfall).

Company totals

  • The sum of the employee amounts for each tipped wage type.
  • The aggregate amounts for reported tips, tips deemed wages, and excess or shortfall.

Other information

  • To change the primary sort method to department, mark the Departmental report checkbox, click the Department selection tab, and select the departments to include in the report (the default selection is Print all departments).

/_images/acct_pr/csa/prnrpt.gif Open the File > Print dialog by using one of the following methods: (1) clicking the Print button on the toolbar, (2) clicking the Print Reports icon on the shortcut bar, or (3) choosing Print Reports from the File menu. On the Reports tab in the Print dialog, double-click Tip Analysis Report to move this report to the Selected pane. With Tip Analysis Report still highlighted, click the Options button to open the print options dialog for this report.

See also: Payroll CS reports

Print options

Print options for a report may be saved as part of a report profile. Otherwise, print options automatically revert to their default settings when you deselect a report for printing or exit the Print dialog (unless the Save report options checkbox is marked in the Print tab of the Setup > User Preferences dialog).

General tab

Employee selection tab

Print all employees vs. Print selected employees

Employees available

Employees selected

Department selection tab

Print all departments vs. Print selected departments

Departments available

Departments selected

Font tab

Font tab

Page Layout tab

Page Layout tab

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