Vendors . . . Verify Vendor IDs

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Verify Vendor IDs utility serves two purposes. First, the utility checks all existing vendor IDs for leading and trailing spaces, which are not allowed in CSA. If a leading or trailing space is found in a vendor ID, the application deletes the space from the ID. Second, the utility compares vendor IDs to all GL account numbers and displays any vendor IDs that are the same as GL account numbers, which can cause problems during transaction entry.

Choose Setup > Vendors. Choose Verify Vendor IDs from the F3 context menu.

Special information

  • In cases where deleting a leading or trailing space would lead to a duplicate vendor ID, the space is replaced with an asterisk. For example, *1234 or 12345*.
  • A vendor ID that begins with an asterisk is considered an alphanumeric vendor ID and will be sorted in lists and reports ahead of vendor IDs beginning with the letter A.
  • Vendor IDs with leading or trailing spaces cannot be entered in the Vendors window.

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