Analyze Client Activity - Financial Statement Worksheet

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The Financial Statement Worksheet view provides you with a snapshot view of the client's year-to-date balances for general ledger accounts with activity. The view lists the balances for the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement to help you prepare and review financial statements.

From any client-specific screen, use one of the following methods to access the Financial Statement Worksheet view.

  • Press CTRL+K.
  • Click the Analyze Client Activity analyze account activity button button in the toolbar and choose Financial Statement Worksheet.
  • Choose Actions > Analyze Client Activity > Financial Statement Worksheet.

Drill-down feature

Click any of the blue hyperlinks to drill down and view the general ledger account details for a specific account grouping code/subcode. You can drill down again to view the transaction details for a specific general ledger account. You can then click on specific debit and credit amounts to view the source transaction within the Actions > Enter Transactions screen, the Actions > Enter Payables screen, the Actions > Enter Invoices screen, or the Actions > Manage Customer Payments screen.

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