Assigning staff to security groups

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You can assign staff to custom security groups to set permissions for various features in the application.

Note: Security must be enabled to use Workpapers CS. You can enable security in the Preferences tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Firm screen. Workpapers CS will not be available until you enable security and restart the application.

See also: Setting up security groups.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Staff.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. To select a staff member, click the staff ID in the Staff list or enter it in the Search field.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. In the Member of groups list, mark the checkbox for a security group to assign all the security privileges for that group to the selected staff member.


  • The Member of groups list contains all security groups that are currently set up for the applicable staff type. Security groups are created in the Security Groups dialog (Setup > Firm Information > Security Groups). A security group is required for all staff members after security has been enabled in the program.
  • When you select a security group, privileges for that group will appear in the Privileges tree.
  • Staff members can belong to multiple security groups. If there is a security conflict between groups (that is, if one group has the privilege and the other does not), the staff member will be granted the privilege.
  • You cannot change or delete the Administrator security group. The Administrator group has all security privileges and rights to all clients. All firms must assign at least one staff member to the Administrator group to ensure that all areas of the program can be accessed.
  • As a best practice it is recommended that you create separate security groups based on task and assign the Administrator staff ID to one staff member with all privileges, known as the product champion.

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