Filtering and sorting reports

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Most of the predefined reports in the File > Print Reports screen and in the File > Report Designer include filtering and sorting options to optimize your reports to suit your needs.

Filtering and sorting in the Print Reports screen

Filtering the client list

You can limit the number of clients for which to print reports by filtering the client list.

  1. Choose File > Print Reports.
  2. In the Client field, select the filter criteria. The drop-down list includes the pre-defined filters — is current client, is, is in the list, is in the ID range, or is in the name range — as well as any other client filters you have created and saved. See Searching and filtering data for information on saving filters in setup and data-entry screens.
  3. If the application displays additional filter fields, enter or select the applicable filter criteria.

Note: When you select a filter, the application retains the values in the filter fields until you manually change the filter selection, or clear the filter by clicking the Delete delete button button in the Filter field.

Filtering report data

  1. Choose File > Print Reports and select a report from the Available Reports list frame.
  2. In each tab in the Filtering and Sorting section, select up to three filter criteria and the method by which to filter each one.

    Note: You can add, create, and save additional filters to use at any time.

    1. Right-click in a Filter field and choose Add <filter item> Filter from the context menu. In the Filters dialog that opens, the left pane lists the names of any filters that have already been created for this item.

      Note: The Filters dialog also includes all filters that were created and saved for the same report in an applicable setup or data-entry screen or in the Print Options dialog of the Report Designer.

    2. In the Filter Name field, enter a name for the new filter (required).
    3. In the Criteria Information section, select up to six fields by which you want to filter the data. The drop-down list includes all filters that were created and saved for the same report in an applicable setup or data-entry screen in the Print Reports screen and in the Print Options dialog of the Report Designer.
    4. From the Method drop-down list, select the applicable filter method.
    5. In the Selected field, select the specific item or a range of items to include in the filter.
    6. Choose the applicable matching logic — Must match all criteria (data must meet all of the selected criteria to be included the report) or Must match one or more criteria (data can meet any of the criteria specified).
    7. Click Enter to save the filter, and then click Done to return to the Print Reports screen. In the Print Reports screen, notice that the filter has been added to the drop-down list for the Filter by field.
  3. Choose the applicable matching logic — Must match all criteria (data must meet all of the selected criteria to be included the report) or Must match one or more criteria (data can meet any of the criteria specified).
  4. You can right-click in the saved filter field to add a new filter, edit the existing filter, or delete a filter.

Sorting report data

  1. To specify the sort order for data in the reports, select Primary and Secondary sort criteria and choose to sort in either Ascending or Descending order.
  2. Mark the Add a page break when the primary sort value changes checkbox, if applicable.
  3. Click the Save Report Options button to save the filtering and sorting options, as well as other report options.

Filtering and sorting in the Report Designer

Filtering report data

  1. Choose File > Report Designer and select a report from the Reports list frame.
  2. Choose File > Print or File > Print Preview to open the Options dialog.
  3. In each tab in the Filtering and Sorting section, select up to three filter criteria and the method by which to filter each one.

    Note: You can add, create, and save additional filters to use at any time.

    1. Right-click in a Filter by field and choose Add <report-specific name> Filter from the context menu to open the Filters dialog. The left pane in the dialog contains the names of any filters that have already been created.

      Note: The Filters dialog also includes all filters that were created and saved for the same report in the Print Reports screen in the application.

    2. In the Filter Name field, enter a name for the new filter (required).
    3. In the Filter by field in the Criteria Information section, select the field by which you want to filter the data. The bottom of the drop-down list includes all filters that were created and saved for the same report in the Print Reports screen and in the Print Options dialog of the Report Designer.
    4. From the Method drop-down list.
    5. In the Selected field, select the specific item or a range of items to include in the filter.
    6. Click the Must match all criteria option if data must meet all of the selected criteria to be included the report, or click the Must match one or more criteria option if the data can meet any of the criteria specified.
    7. Click Enter to save the filter, and then click Done to return to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog, notice that the filter has been added to the drop-down list for the Filter by field.
    8. Choose the applicable matching logic — Must match all criteria (data must meet all of the selected criteria to be included the report) or Must match one or more criteria (data can meet any of the criteria specified).
    9. You can right-click in the saved filter field to add a new filter, edit the existing filter, or delete a filter.

Sorting report data

  1. To specify the sort order for data in the reports, select Primary and Secondary sort criteria and choose to sort in either Ascending or Descending order.
  2. Mark the Add a page break when the primary sort value changes checkbox, if applicable.
  3. Click OK to save the filtering and sorting options, as well as other print options.

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