Working with report profiles

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In Workpapers CS, you can create an unlimited number of report profiles to make your report printing routine quick and efficient. A report profile is a group of specific reports for which you define print options and a collation sequence. When you print a report profile, Workpapers CS prints all of the reports in the profile — using the report options you selected for each one — in the order specified in the profile. When you use report profiles, you don't have to remember which reports to print or which options to use for each report. It's all pre-defined for you!

If you make changes to a report that is included in a report profile, the application does not update the report in the profile. To include the changes in the report profile, remove the affected report from the report profile in the Setup > Report Profiles or Setup > Firm Information > Firm Report Profiles screen, and then add it back to the profile.

Adding a global (firm-level) report profile

Firm-level report profiles can include either client information (such as General Ledger, Transaction List, Income Statement, Check List, and so forth) or firm information (such as Client List, Staff List, and so forth). You can use global profiles for any client.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm Report Profiles.
  2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen and enter a unique name for the new report profile in the Description field.
  3. Click either the Client reports option or the Firm reports option to specify the type of reports that will be included in the profile. This also affects the reports that are available for selection.
  4. Click the Ellipsis button button next to the Selections field to open the Report Selections dialog, where you select the reports to include in the report profile.


    • You can select the same report multiple times within a single report profile and specify different option settings for each instance.
    • Workpapers CS prints the reports in a profile in the order specified in the Report Selections dialog. To change the order, click and drag individual reports to the desired location in the Selected Reports list.
  5. In the Report Options section, select a report in the Report field, and then choose the options for that report. Repeat this for each report in the profile.
  6. Click Enter to save the new profile.

Modifying an existing firm-level report profile

You can update a saved report profile to change the reports included in the profile, the options for the individual reports, and/or the print order of the reports.

  1. In the Setup > Firm Information > Firm Report Profiles screen, select the profile from list pane, and then click the Edit button.
  2. Click the Ellipsis button button next to the Selections field.
  3. In the Report Selections dialog, add or remove reports from the Selected Reports pane and/or change the selection order, and click OK.
  4. In the Firm Report Profiles screen, update the options for any of the selected reports.
  5. Click Enter to save the changes.

    Note: If you made any changes to a client report profile that was based on this firm report profile, the application opens the Update Client Report Profiles dialog when you attempt to save this firm report profile. In this dialog, you can select the clients whose profiles you want to apply these changes to. The application will overwrite any changes made at the client level with the changes you made in this firm report profile.

Customizing a report profile for a specific client

When you customize a report profile for a specific client, Workpapers CS does not alter the existing firm-level report profile.

  1. Choose Setup > Report Profiles.
  2. Select the client from the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the Report Profiles screen.
  3. Click the Add button and select an existing client-type report profile from the drop-down list in the Firm profile field.
  4. Click the Ellipsis button button next to the Selections field.
  5. In the Report Selections dialog, select or remove reports for the current profile.
  6. In the Report Profiles screen, specify the desired options for each report.
  7. Click Enter to save any changes made to the client-specific profile.


  • You can customize only client-type report profiles for a specific client. Firm-type report profiles are not available for selection in the Setup > Report Profiles screen.
  • If necessary, you can remove a customized profile for a specific client by clicking the Delete button.
  • You can view all the reports in the profile by clicking the Preview button. In the Print Preview screen, select the reports one at a time from the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    report profile reports list

Adding a report profile

Follow these steps to create a report profile.

  1. Choose Setup > Report Profiles.
  2. Select the client from the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the Report Profiles screen.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Enter the name of the profile in the Description field.
  5. Click the Ellipsis button button next to the Selections field to open the Report Selections dialog, where you can select the reports to include in the report profile.


    • You can select the same report multiple times within a single report profile and specify different option settings for each instance.
    • Workpapers CS prints the reports in a profile in the order specified in the Report Selections dialog. To change the order, click and drag individual reports to the desired location in the Selected Reports list.
  6. In the Report Options section, select a report in the Report field, and then choose the options for that report. Repeat this for each report in the profile.
  7. Click Enter to save the new profile.


  • If necessary, you can remove a customized profile for a specific client by clicking the Delete button.
  • You can view all the reports in the profile by clicking the Preview button. In the Print Preview screen, select the reports one at a time from the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    report profile reports list

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