Setting up firm preferences

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A firm administrator or staff member with the appropriate permissions can make firm-wide setup decisions in the Preferences tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Firm screen to specify preferences for security, data entry confirmation, event tracking, and more.

To display the Remember login information checkbox in the login screen, mark this checkbox to enable staff to log in from their own computers without re-entering their user ID and password each time they open the application. To force the login screen reappear for staff, clear this checkbox or choose File > Reset Remember Login.

Note: Because staff assignments and security group privileges are an integral part of setting up an engagement binder, the firm security option cannot be disabled (checkbox is marked by default and cannot be unmarked). With security enabled you can define specific permissions that relate to general tasks, accounting tasks, reporting tasks, and workpapers-specific tasks for staff and groups in the application. See the Security overview topic for details.

Data entry confirmation

  1. In the Data Entry Confirmation section, click the Ellipsis button button to open the Data Entry Confirmation dialog.
  2. Mark the checkboxes next to the data entry fields to prompt for data re-entry in the confirmation dialog for those fields, and click OK. (For details, see the Data Entry Confirmation Entries dialog topic).

Event tracking

Mark the Disable event tracking checkbox if you do not want to view and print a log of monitored events in the application.

Data sharing options

  1. Mark the Disable datasharing checkbox to hide the Sync Data sharing Data sharing button toolbar button and disable data sharing.
  2. Mark the Disable synchronizing pending data-sharing updates upon opening the application checkbox to discontinue automatic data-sharing updates when you launch the application.

FileCabinet CS options

Select options to organize FileCabinet CS documents by category.

Workpapers CS options

Click the Ellipsis button button to open the Source Document sort options dialog and change the default order in which source documents are organized in the engagement binder. You can also specify which folder documents are organized when they are retrieved from Source Document Processing.

Mark the Open PDF workpapers in a native PDF application (for example, Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat) rather than the application's own PDF editor.

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