Lacerte export troubleshooting

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In addition to using tax codes to integrate with UltraTax CS, you can export account numbers, account descriptions and balances to Lacerte.

This article helps you fix common integration issues between Workpapers CS and Lacerte.

If the Diagnostics window within Lacerte contains nothing after completing the export process, review the following areas before exporting again.

  • Verify the client’s current posting period is the year you are exporting to Lacerte. You can view the Current Posting Period in the Accounting Information tab of Setup > Clients.
  • Go to Actions > Enter Trial Balance and verify that there are balances in accounts. You may find it helpful to set up a view in the Trial Balance grid to verify tax codes are assigned to the general ledger accounts too.

Note: When creating the export file, accounts with blank tax codes are listed in the diagnostic screen.

  • Verify the file location is correct in Workpapers CS. Go to the Export Data tab in Setup > File Locations > Lacerte. The path should be C:\Lacerte\yyTax, yy being the last two digits of the tax year you are importing into Lacerte.
  • Confirm the client ID is the same in Workpapers CS and Lacerte. Lacerte ID's are limited to 8 characters or less. You will need to rename the client ID in Workpapers CS to match Lacerte's specifications.

Note: If the client ID’s are different between the two applications, a new client will be created in Lacerte during the export process.

Naming convention for export file: ClientID.?By

? = entity y = year
C = Corporation 6 = 2016
P = Partnership 7 = 2017
R = Non-profit 8 = 2018
S = S Corporation etc.

Workpapers CS will create the subfolders for each type of entity during the export process. The export file is placed in the appropriate folder based on entity type. The following entity type subfolders are automatically created when the Export Data tab in Setup > File locations for Lacerte is set to C:\Lacerte\17Tax\.

C:\Lacerte\17Tax\CDATA = Corporation\1120

C:\Lacerte\17Tax\PDATA = Partnership\1065

C:\Lacerte\17Tax\RDATA = Non-Profit\990/990PF

C:\Lacerte\17Tax\SDATA = S Corporation\1120

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Another option: Browse out to the export directory (C:\Lacerte\yyTax\?Data folder, ? is the entity type). Open the exported file with NotePad. If all you see is a single header row, one of the above items listed in this articles was skipped or overlooked.

Here is an example of an empty file:


Location: C:\Lacerte\16Tax\PDATA\ARAPDEPT.P86

Contents of file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LSCBridgeFile />