Navigation Pane Options dialog

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Use the Navigation Pane Options dialog to select the group buttons to display in the Navigation pane and Reports lists.

You can choose View > Navigation Pane or press Alt+F1 to hide or show the Navigation Pane.

Navigation pane

In Workpapers CS, the navigation pane enables you to quickly access frequently used screens and dialogs in the application. The shortcuts are grouped according to function — Firm and Accounting.

Click the arrow Navigation pane arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Navigation pane within any screen of the application, and choose Navigation Pane Options.

The group buttons available for the Navigation pane include the following.

  • Firm
  • Accounting

Note: When you close the application, it retains any changes you make to the Navigation pane.

Reports list in the Print Reports screen

This Reports list includes all reports, financial statements, letters, and report profiles.

In the Setup > Print Reports screen, right-click in the Reports List and choose Navigation Pane Options.

The group buttons available for the Reports list include the following. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the buttons.

  • Reports
  • Financial Statements
  • Letters
  • Profiles

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navigation pane dialog (animated gif)

Note: When you close the application, it retains any changes you make to the Reports list.

Reports list in the Report Designer

This Reports list includes all reports, financial statements, and letters.

In the Report Designer, click the arrow Navigation pane arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Reports list and choose Navigation Pane Options.

The group buttons available for the Reports list include the following. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the buttons.

  • Reports
  • Financial Statements
  • Letters

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