Adding a workpaper placeholder

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You can insert a placeholder workpaper into the Engagement Binders Tree portlet as a PDF via the Add Workpaper Wizard. Placeholders can be used for multiple purposes and updated in the PDF editor as necessary. For example, placeholder workpapers can be used to reference a hard copy file that is not currently in the engagement, or used as a reminder to staff to get a specific file from their client annually, or just used as a file that contains general notes.

Use these steps to insert a placeholder into the engagement binder.

  1. In the Engagement Binders Tree portlet, open the Add Workpaper Wizard by right-clicking an engagement binder briefcase, folder or workpaper, and choosing Add Workpaper or by clicking the Add Workpaper icon at the top of the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.
  2. In the Workpaper Type screen, select Placeholder from the drop-down list in the Source field.
  3. In the Information section of the screen, enter text that you want to include in the placeholder workpaper and click Next.
  4. Enter a reference, name, and update any other information as needed in the Workpaper Properties screen.
  5. Click Finish to insert the workpaper into the engagement binder.

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