Assigning an engagement

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One of the first steps in setting up an engagement in Workpapers CS is to add a new engagement binder. Use the following steps to assign staff to the engagement as part of the engagement binder set up.

  1. Choose Setup > Engagement Binders.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new engagement binder or the Edit button to modify an existing one.
  3. Enter the appropriate identification information and binder dates.
  4. To assign all staff to the engagement, click the All staff option.
  5. To assign selected staff to the engagement, click the Selected staff option, and then mark the checkbox in the Allow column for each staff member that you want to assign work to in the current engagement.

    Note: Staff members must be assigned to the engagement to access it via the Workpapers Dashboard.

  6. Click Enter to save the staff assignments.

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