Right-click menu commands in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet

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Right-click means to press the right mouse button once. (The information in this topic assumes that you are right-handed or are using a right-handed mouse.)

Right-click an engagement binder briefcase, folder, or workpaper to open a context menu that consists of commands for the selected item.

For example, you can right-click an engagement binder briefcase and choose Add Note to apply a note to the whole engagement binder, or you can right-click a single workpaper to add a note that applies only to that workpaper.

Note: Folders that display with horizontal lines in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet () contain workpapers, and those without horizontal lines () contain no workpapers.

Right click the engagement binder at the top level of the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to open a context menu that contains the following commands.

  • Expand/Collapse. Toggles between a fully expanded folder view and a collapsed folder view for the selected engagement binder.
  • Hide/Show Empty Folders. Toggles between displaying and not displaying empty folders in the Engagement Binders Tree view.
  • Sort Ascending. Workpapers that are at the top level of the engagement binder, and not located within a folder, are alphanumerically organized from lowest to highest based on the reference of the workpaper. The folder order in the Engagement Binder Tree remains unchanged.
  • Sort Descending. Workpapers that are at the top level of the engagement binder, and not located within a folder, are alphanumerically organized from highest to lowest based on the reference name of the workpaper. The folder order in the Engagement Binder Tree remains unchanged.
  • Add Note. Opens the Notes dialog for the engagement. For details, see Working with Notes.
  • Add Workpaper. Opens the Add Workpaper Wizard that enables you to select a workpaper type to add to the engagement binder. (Note: The options in the Add Workpaper Wizard vary based on the workpaper type that you select to add. For details, see Add Workpaper Wizard.
  • Add Folder. Opens the Folder Properties dialog where you can add a top-level folder to the engagement binder.
  • Paste. Choose this option or press Ctrl+V to insert a workpaper that has been copied to the clipboard into the current engagement binder.
  • Delete. Removes the current engagement binder and all its contents from Workpapers CS. You cannot restore the binder once it has been deleted.
  • Disconnect Workpapers. Opens the Disconnect Workpapers Wizard that enables you to select and save workpapers outside of the application so that they can be updated in the field in an application such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. For details, see Disconnecting and returning workpapers for work in the field.
  • Finalize. Opens the Finalize Engagement Binder Wizard. For details, see Finalize Engagement Binder Wizard.
  • Roll Forward. Opens the Roll Forward Wizard. For details, see Roll Forward Wizard.
  • Print. Opens the Print dialog. For details, see Printing from the Workpapers Dashboard.
  • Calculator. Opens the built in calculator. For details, see Using the built in calculator.
  • Properties. Opens the Engagement Binders screen. For details, see Engagement Binders screen.

Right click a folder in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to open a context menu that contains the following commands.

  • Expand/Collapse. Toggles between an expanded folder view and a collapsed folder view for the selected engagement folder.
  • Hide/Show Empty Folders. Toggles between displaying and not displaying empty folders in the Engagement Binders Tree view.
  • Sort Ascending. Workpapers in the folder are alphanumerically organized from lowest to highest based on the reference name of the workpaper. The folder order in the Engagement Binder Tree remains unchanged.
  • Sort Descending. Workpapers in the folder, are alphanumerically organized from highest to lowest based on the reference of the workpaper. The folder order in the Engagement Binder Tree remains unchanged.
  • Add Signoff. Opens a list of signoff types that have been set up for the current engagement client. Select the signoff type to add for all workpapers that do not have existing signoffs in the selected folder with today's date in the applicable column. For details, see Setup > Firm Information > Signoff types.

    Note: Adding signoffs to a folder that contains a large number of workpapers may take several minutes.

  • Add Note. Opens the Notes dialog for the selected folder. For details, see Working with Notes.
  • Add Workpaper Opens the Add Workpaper Wizard. For details, see Add Workpaper Wizard

    Note: The options in the Add Workpaper Wizard vary based on the workpaper type that you are adding.

  • Add Folder. Opens the Folder Properties dialog where you can add an unlimited number of subfolders to the selected folder.
  • Delete. Sends the contents of the selected folder to the Recycle Bin and deletes the folder.
  • Disconnect Workpapers. Opens the Disconnect Workpapers Wizard that enables you to select and save workpapers outside of the application so that they can be updated in the field in an application such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. For details, see Disconnecting and returning workpapers for work in the field.
  • Calculator. Opens the built in calculator. For details, see Using the built in calculator.
  • Properties. Opens the Folder Properties dialog where you can rename an existing folder.

The Source Document Processing service of Workpapers CS is not automatically included with Software as a Service (SaaS) access; the service includes either a per-client fee or an annual renewable fee for unlimited access. For pricing details, please contact your CS Sales representative.

Right click a workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to open a context menu that contains the following commands.

  • Open. Opens the workpaper in the application in which it was created (for example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, and so forth). Changes the status from Available to Checked Out by <username>.
  • Hide/Show Empty Folders. Toggles between displaying or not displaying empty folders in the Engagement Binders Tree view.
  • Return to Binder.
    • If the workpaper has a status of Checked Out by <username>, the workpaper is returned to the binder. (Note: Be sure to close and save any changes to the workpaper prior to returning it to the binder.)
    • If the workpaper has a status of Disconnected, you can use the Return Workpapers Wizard to select workpapers that have been updated in the field and return them to the engagement binder. When a workpaper is returned to the engagement via the Return Workpaper wizard, the existing workpaper in the Engagement Binder is overwritten with the one returned from the field. For details, see Disconnecting and returning workpapers for work in the field.
    • If your firm has the Open PDF workpapers in native PDF application option selected, you must manually return PDF files to the binder after you're finished with them. These workpapers will not automatically return to the binder when they are closed.
  • Discard Checkout. When a workpaper is checked out, this option removes the checked out status for the selected document or workpaper and makes it available for other staff to checkout. This option discards any changes made to the workpaper since it was last open.
  • Add Signoff. Opens a list of signoff types that have been set up for the current engagement client. Select the signoff type to add to insert it with today's date in the applicable column. For details, see Setup > Firm Information > Signoff types.
  • Add Note. Opens the Notes dialog for the engagement. For details about entering notes, see Working with Notes.
  • Add Workpaper. Opens the Add Workpaper Wizard where you can select a workpaper to add to the current engagement. (Note: The options in the Add Workpaper Wizard vary based on the workpaper type that you select to add. For details, see Add Workpaper Wizard).
  • Replace Workpaper. Opens the Add Workpaper Wizard to select another workpaper to replace the currently selected item in the engagement binders tree. (Note: The options in the Add Workpaper Wizard vary based on the workpaper type that you select to add. For details, see Add Workpaper Wizard).
  • Add Folder. Opens the Folder Properties dialog where you can add a subfolder to the selected folder.
  • Protect/Unprotect. Toggles the workpaper permission between read only (Protect) or read and write (Unprotect). Formulas that are contained in a protected workpaper are locked, and all workpapers in a Finalized engagement binder given protected status.
  • Copy. Choose this option to copy the selected workpaper to the clipboard.
  • Source Data Entry (available in 1040 tax engagements only). Choose this option to transfer 1040 source document data to UltraTax CS via the UltraTax CS Source Data Entry utility.
  • Paste. Choose this option or press CTRL+V to insert a workpaper that has been copied to the clipboard into the current folder.
  • Delete. Sends the selected workpaper to the Recycle Bin.
  • Disconnect Workpapers. Opens the Disconnect Workpapers Wizard that enables you to select and save workpapers outside of the application so that they can be updated in the field in an application such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. This command is not available when the selected workpaper already has a status of Disconnected in the engagement binder. For details, see Disconnecting and returning workpapers for work in the field.
  • Calculator. Opens the built in calculator. For details, see Using the built in calculator.
  • Properties. Opens the Workpaper Properties dialog. For details, see Workpaper Properties dialog.

Right click the Recycle Bin in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to open a context menu that contains the following commands.

  • Expand/Collapse. Toggles between an expanded folder view and a collapsed folder view for the Recycle Bin folder.
  • Empty Recycle Bin. Deletes all the workpapers in the bin. Right-click a single workpaper in the Recycle Bin and choose Delete to remove only that item.
  • Restore All. Sends all workpapers that are currently in the Recycle Bin back to the Engagement Binder Tree. Right-click a single workpaper to restore the selected item back to the engagement binder.


    • Workpapers are restored to the top-level of the engagement binder. Folders and subfolders cannot be restored.
    • Workpapers that have been deleted from the Recycle Bin cannot be restored to the engagement binder.
    • Right-click a single workpaper in the Recycle Bin and choose Properties to open the Workpaper Properties dialog. Properties for a workpaper cannot be modified while it is in the Recycle Bin.

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