Working with Notes

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You can add, reply to, or delete a note from the Workpapers Dashboard.

Opening the Notes dialog or portlet

There are several ways to open the Notes dialog or portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.

Use these steps to open the Notes portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.

  1. Click the Select Portlets link at the top of the Workpapers Dashboard to open the Select Portlets dialog.
  2. Mark the checkbox next to Notes and click OK to open the Notes portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.

Use these steps to open the Notes dialog from the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

  1. In the Engagement Binders Tree portlet, highlight an engagement binder briefcase, folder, or workpaper.
  2. Right-click and choose Add Note to open the Notes dialog or click the Add note Add note icon button in the Engagement Binders Tree toolbar.

Use these steps to open the Notes dialog from the Notes List portlet.

  1. Click the Select Portlets link at the top of the Workpapers Dashboard to open the Select Portlets dialog.
  2. Mark the checkbox next to Notes List and click OK to open the Notes List portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  3. Select a row for an engagement binder, folder, or workpaper in the list, and click link in the Subject row for the selected note to open it in the Notes dialog.

    Note: If there is no subject for the note in the Notes List grid, you can open the note in the Notes portlet to add one. The next time you open the Notes List portlet, a link will be available for you to click in the Subject column of the grid.

Navigating the portlet

Use the toolbar on the portlet to add a new note, delete a note, and edit a note with standard word processing functions. Show toolbar

Engagement Binder Tree toolbar.


  • You can customize the toolbar by clicking the Toolbar options arrow to remove unused icons or create a customized toolbar.
  • You can right-click in the toolbar and clear the Standard checkbox to remove the Standard toolbar from the portlet. To add the toolbar back, you must close/remove the Notes portlet from the view, and then re-add it from the Select Portlets dialog.

Adding a note

  1. In the Notes portlet click the Add Note Add Note button button in the Notes toolbar.
  2. Enter a subject for the note in the Subject field.
  3. Assign engagement staff to the note and select a priority (Normal, High, or Low).
  4. Enter text for the note.
  5. In the Notes dialog click Done to save and close the note. (The application automatically saves all changes or additions in the Notes portlet.)

Replying to a note

  1. Highlight the engagement binder, folder, or workpaper that has a note associated with it in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet. All notes associated with that item appear in the Notes portlet, Notes List portlet, and Notes dialog. (Click the Add Note button to open the Notes dialog).
  2. Navigate to the desired note.
  3. Click the Reply button and enter the text for the reply note.
  4. If you are replying from the Notes dialog, click Done to save the reply with the note. The application automatically saves changes or additions in the Notes portlet.

Deleting a note

  1. Highlight the engagement binder, folder, or workpaper that has a note associated with it in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet. All notes associated with that item appear in the Notes portlet, and Notes dialog. (Click the Add Note button to open the Notes dialog.)
  2. Navigate to the desired note.
  3. Click the Delete Delete button button. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
  4. If you are deleting the note from the Notes dialog, click Done to close the dialog. (The application automatically deletes the note from the Notes portlet and Notes List portlet.)

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