Contacting our Support team

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If you have questions and can't find the information you need in the Help & How-To Centre, you can contact our Support team for assistance.

Before you contact Support

You must be able to provide a specific explanation of the problem so that our Digita Support Technician can handle your inquiry efficiently. You may want to write brief notes about symptoms that occur on your computer or print any related error messages. You may want to write brief notes on some of the symptoms occurring on your computer or print out any error messages related to the problem. At a minimum, the Support Technician will need to know the following details.

  • Version number of the application you are using. (To obtain this information, choose About Digita FileCabinet from the Help menu.)
  • Operating system that you are using.
  • Specific nature of the issue.
  • Steps that preceded the issue.
  • Whether this issue occurs with more than one client or drawer or on other computers.
  • Full error message and when it occurs.

Means of contacting our Support team

Call 0345 0180 909

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