Compacting drawer data files

Drawer data files can contain unused space, resulting in larger files than is necessary. You can compact drawer data files to reduce the amount of unused space within the files.

  1. From the Help menu, choose Repair.

    Note: Depending on your organization's security configuration, you may be required to enter the master password to open the Repair dialog.

  2. Click the Compact tab.
  3. Highlight drawers to compact in the Drawers available to compact pane, and click the Select button to move them to the Drawers Selected pane.
  4. When all appropriate drawers are listed in the Drawers selected pane, click the Compact Drawers button.


  • When you archive data, you will still need to compact the data to reduce unused space.
  • Repeat this process for each data location. For more information on data locations, see Data Locations overview.
  • The compact feature is resource intensive; the duration of the compact process is dependent on the number of drawers selected for compacting, the size of the drawers, and the available hardware resources.
  • If there is an error during the compacting process for a drawer, the process will stop and generate error summary information. You may need to repeat the steps in the compact process for drawers that were not processed due to an error.
  • We recommend that you run the compact feature biannually, yearly, or as needed to optimize hard drive space. However, it should not be necessary for you to frequently compact drawer data files.
  • DT FileCabinet uses an automatic locking feature for this process.
  • Drawer sizes may differ between the Drawer Statistics and the Compact Drawers dialogs due to the optimization of the files. Refer to the sizes in the Compact dialog when considering database size.
  • The compact feature is not available for SQL data locations and you cannot reduce the size of SQL databases by simply removing data. For help on reducing SQL databases, contact a qualified SQL technician.  For more information on compacting options for SQL, see Compacting or shrinking a SQL data location.  

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