Copying drawers between data locations

You can copy DT FileCabinet drawers from one data location to another. This process converts drawer data to match the format of the data location in either an Standard (flat files) format, or SQL (database) format. For more information on storage format, see the Data locations overview article.

  1. Choose File > Copy Drawers.
  2. Select the destination location of the drawer from the drop-down list in the Destination location field.
  3. Select the appropriate items in the Drawers available to copy pane.
  4. Click the Select or Select All button to move the items to the Drawers to copy pane.
  5. If necessary, select appropriate options in the Options section.
    • The Automatically create folders checkbox is marked by default. Clear this checkbox if you do not want DT FileCabinet to automatically duplicate user-created folders in the destination location.
    • Mark the Enable application lock during copy process checkbox to prevent others from making drawer modifications while you are copying drawers.
    • Mark the Copy documents from selected folders only checkbox or Move documents from selected folders only checkbox to copy or move all documents from folders that you select to the selected destination location.

      Copying or moving documents from selected folders overwrites all data in destination drawers that correspond with the drawers that are selected.

  6. Click the Copy button.

Related articles

Data locations overview

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