Creating drawer families

You can create a drawer family to group two or more drawers that are related in some way. Examples of drawers that you might assign to families include related corporations (controlled groups or consolidated clients), and clients who are related, such as parents and their children.

One drawer can have one or more drawer family associations. When a drawer is a member of one or more families, a family name folder you specified appears in the Drawer list for each member drawer. You can expand a Family folder to show the icons of the other drawers in the family. Click these icons to quickly switch between member drawers.

  1. In the Folders window, select a drawer that you want to include in the new family.
  2. Choose File > Drawer Properties.
  3. Click the Select Family button.
  4. Click the Add button and enter a family name in the Family Name field.
  5. Highlight a drawer that you want to include in this family in the Drawers available to assign pane and click the Select button to add it to the Drawers to assign pane. Repeat this step for each drawer that you want to include in this family.

    Note: The current drawer will be automatically selected in the Drawers to assign pane.

  6. Click Enter or OK.


  • If a drawer is a member of a family, all other family members will appear in the Print and Send To > Email Recipient and File Location dialogs so that you can print and send documents from multiple drawers at one time.
  • A family must contain two or more drawers.
  • A drawer can be a member of one or more families.
  • A family cannot include drawers from multiple data locations.
  • Mark the status checkboxes to list drawers with selected statuses only.
  • Duplicate family names can be created for a single drawer, but this method is not recommended.
  • If you add drawers from another family to a new family, the other members of the existing family are not added to the new family.

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