DT FileCabinet folders overview

DT FileCabinet stores documents in folders. Folders appear differently in the Folders window depending on the application in which the document was created, and whether you created additional document folders and added documents to them.


  • When you add documents to folders, remember that each document must have a unique name within the drawer, regardless of the folder association. Documents of the same file type with identical names that are stored within the same drawer will be combined into a single document. This can cause confusion when trying to locate similar but separate documents stored in DT FileCabinet.
  • Each DT Professional Suite application has its own folder.

Navigating in the Folders window

When you double-click a drawer in the Folders window on the left side of the screen, the folders for the drawer are shown, bearing either the logo of the originating application or the name of the document folder you created. Double-click any of these folders to show the documents they contain. Click any document to view it in the Watch window on the right. To close a folder, double-click it again.

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