Fixed Assets CS depreciation data conversions

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You can view or print the following data conversion guides in PDF to learn about the data conversion process in detail. You should carefully review the guide for the data you will convert before you run the conversion application and begin converting your client data. The guides contain important information about installing the conversion application, creating conversion files, items converted and not converted, and reviewing your converted data.

To get started on the conversion of your depreciation data, you need to download the Fixed Assets CS Conversion installation file. You can access this help directly from Fixed Assets CS by choosing Help > Additional Resources > Conversion Utility Help. This will take you to the Fixed Assets CS Conversion Utility topic which contains the installation file.

Our Depreciation Data Conversion guides are posted in this topic as the guides are released. If the current-year conversion guide is not available for your application, check back later.

Note: You must have Adobe Reader version 9.0 or higher installed to view the Depreciation Data Conversion guides. If you don't have the current version or if you have problems opening bulletins, you can download and install the latest version of the Reader from the Adobe Reader page of the Adobe website External link. (What's this?)

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