Inventory toolbar (Inventory module)

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Located at the top of your screen, the Inventory toolbar is composed of buttons that you can click to quickly perform common tasks in the Fixed Assets Inventory module. Certain buttons may be disabled depending on whether or not a client is open.

Note: This toolbar is available only if you are licensed for the Fixed Assets Inventory module.

Fixed Assets Inventory module toolbar

Button Function

Save button

Save the active inventory.
Keyboard: CTRL+S

Inventory Properties button

Open the Inventory Properties dialog, in which you can update the properties of the current inventory.

Add Asset button

Open a new asset record for the current client.

Copy button

Copy the selected asset.
Keyboard: CTRL+C

Paste button

Paste the selected asset.
Keyboard: CTRL+V

Find Asset button

Open the Find Asset dialog, which you can use to find an asset in the current inventory by entering a portion of a word, an entire word, or a phrase that appears in an asset's description.
Keyboard: CTRL+F

Sort Ascending button

Sort the current column in ascending (A - Z) order.

Sort Descending button

Sort the current column in descending (Z - A) order.

Print button

Open the Inventory Print dialog from which you can print inventory worksheets and reports.

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Shortcut: F1

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