Fixed Assets CS : Adding Treatments to Prior Period

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When processing clients in Fixed Assets CS it is sometimes necessary to add additional treatments to prior years. For example, the Book or AMT treatment may need to be added. So what steps are necessary to add treatments to prior years and advance the new treatment to the current year?

In order for a treatment to be added to a prior year and then brought forward to the current year, the treatment must be added to each year and then the client closed to the current year. For example, assume that a client has the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 periods available to process, but the Book treatment was never setup. The easiest way to add the new treatment is to start in the 2015 period and choose Setup > Treatments and enable the Book treatment, then move back to 2014 and enable Book, then move to 2013 and enable Book, then move back to 2012 and enable Book. After this, you are in the first year the treatment is needed. The treatment can then be populated and the client closed forward from 2012 to 2015. Complete steps appear below.

  1. While in the most recent period to which the new treatment needs to be added (2015 in the above example), choose Setup > Treatments and add the new treatment.
  2. Choose File > Select Period to Process and move to the preceding period.
  3. Choose Setup > Treatments and add the new treatment.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the new treatment has been added to the earliest period in which it is needed.
  5. While still in the earliest period to which the treatment has been added (2012 in the above example) either input values for the treatment or use one of the Build options.
  6. After data entry for the new treatment has been completed, choose File > Select Period to Process and click Close to Next Year.
  7. When prompted, click Merge.
  8. Repeat Steps 6 - 7 until the new treatment has been merged forward to the most recent year it is needed (2015 in this example).


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