News administration

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The News module is free of charge and is useful for communicating company news such as firm events, holidays, and business information to NetClient CS, NetStaff CS, and Employee Self-Service users.

  • NetClient CS News modules: You can create multiple News modules for NetClient CS and Employee Self-Service users. Any NetStaff CS user who has access to NetClient CS administration can add content to or edit content in NetClient CS News modules. NetClient CS and Employee Self-Service users cannot modify the content of News modules.

    Note: You can make NetClient CS News modules available to Employee Self-Service users. For more information, see Editing or deleting News modules or articles.

  • NetStaff CS News modules: Any NetStaff CS user who has access to NetStaff CS administration can create NetStaff CS News modules. The administrator can grant editor privileges to specific NetStaff CS users or groups so they can create and edit News content and assign user permissions to suit the needs of your firm; for example, you could create separate News modules for each department, and give editor permissions to one employee in each department so that employee can create and maintain news content that is specific to his department.

Related topics

Creating News modules

Modifying a user’s access to News modules

Editing or deleting News modules or articles

Adding or editing images in news articles

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