Displaying an alternate portal header for specific users

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To display a different header for specific NetClient CS, NetStaff CS, or Employee Self-Service users, you must purchase a license that enables your firm to display an alternate header and indicate which users should see the alternate header.

Purchase a license for and enter the alternate firm header

The steps required to do this vary depending on whether your firm uses Accounting CS. Click the appropriate link.

Contact your Account Representative by calling (800) 968-8900, and do the following.

  • Tell the representative that you need to purchase a license for the Alternate Payroll CS Preparer Block (ALTFAPRS).
  • Provide the text that should appear in the alternate header to the representative.

Please allow 24 hours for us to process your request.

  1. Contact your Account Representative by calling (800) 968-8900, and tell the representative that you need to purchase a license for the Accounting CS Alternate Payroll Preparer block (ACSPB).
  2. In Accounting CS, click the Firm button in the navigation pane.
  3. In Identification section of the Main tab, enter the alternate firm name in the Alternate firm field.
  4. In the Addresses section, select Alternate from the drop-down list at the top of the Addresses section. Show me.
    Alternate drop-down list in Accounting CS
  5. Enter the alternate address in the fields in the Addresses section and then click Enter.

Indicate which users should see the alternate header

  1. Log in to NetStaff CS and click the Admin tab in the navigation pane.
  2. Click the Appearance link in the Utilities section of the navigation pane.

    Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to this area.

    The Appearance screen now includes an Alternate Header section, which includes the text that you provided to your Account Representative or entered in Accounting CS.

  3. In the Change URL field, enter the website address that should appear in the browser address bar for users who will see the alternate header.
  4. Click the Select Users button.
  5. With NetClient CS selected in the User Types pane, mark the checkbox for each NetClient CS user who should see the alternate firm header.

    To find a user in the list, enter any part of the user’s name in the Find field.

  6. Click NetStaff CS or Employee Self-Service in the User Types pane, and mark the checkboxes for all users who should see the alternate firm header.
  7. Click Enter.

The users you selected will see the alternate header in their login pages only if you send them the alternate URL. To get Employee Self-Service users to the correct registration page, add "/webemployee.jsp" to the end of the alternate firm URL.

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