Testing email notifications

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By default, NetFirm CS sends notification messages to NetClient CS and NetStaff CS users when certain events occur; for example, NetFirm CS sends a notification message when the login for a portal has changed. For notification messages that are sent via email, NetFirm CS administrators can send these email notifications to themselves to see how the notification messages will appear to recipients.

Note: You cannot test notification messages that will be sent to users through the Messages menu, through alerts in the Tasks widget, or through the NetClient CS mobile app. To learn more about these delivery methods, see Specifying how users will receive notification messages.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Templates link in the Utilities section.

    Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to this area.

  2. In the Notification > Templates list, click a category and then click the template you want to test.
  3. Click the Send Test button.

NetFirm CS sends the test message to the email address that is entered for your portal in NetStaff CS administration.

Related topic: Notification messages that are sent by NetFirm CS

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