Special steps for archiving Digita FileCabinet data in Digita Virtual Office

Digita FileCabinet provides the ability to archive older, seldom-accessed documents to a separate location to reduce space usage in the main location, improve performance, and lessen visual clutter on the screen.

Digita Virtual Office offers two types of data storage space: active and archived. We allocate 4 gigabytes (GB) of storage space for each Digita NetStaff portal that has access to applications through Digita Virtual Office. We allocate 500 MB of space for each Digita NetStaff portal that does not have access to applications through Digita Virtual Office. Additional premium active space is available. Storage space for archived Virtual Office CS client data exists on the W:\ drive. This drive is expected to be slower and have less aggressive backup routines; therefore, only archived data should be stored on W:\. Active data should not be stored in the archive drive.  The W drive is also billed at a lower rate than the Y drive.  

To archive to the W:\ drive, verify that the path listed in the Archive location group box points to W:\Cabinet_Archive.

Note: To access the archive without being prompted each time for the data location, each Digita FileCabinet user should navigate to Setup > User Preferences > File Locations, and change the Digita FileCabinet Archive Data path to W:\Cabinet_Archive.

Do not archive documents to your local drive (C$ on 'Client' (V:\)). This process would need to write a significant amount of data from the Digita Virtual Office servers over the internet to your local machine. As a result, the process will be much more time-consuming than creating the archive in the cloud (Y:\ or W:\ drive), and it can be prone to failure. Attempting to create archives on your local drives may result in lost data. Even if you are able to create an archive on a local drive, only the workstation from which the archive was created will be able to read the archive and the process of reading the drive may be extremely slow or unusable.

When archiving Digita FileCabinet documents in the Digita Virtual Office environment, the archive must be created at Y:\FcabData\$Archive or W:\Cabinet_Archive.

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