How to filter spam and unwanted email in Outlook

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If you use Microsoft Exchange with Virtual Office CS / SaaS or Web Builder Email, viruses and spam messages are automatically filtered out of your inbox. If unwanted messages are reaching your inbox, you have two options: 

  1. Adjust your Barracuda spam filter settings. For instructions, see Setting preferences for Microsoft Exchange spam filtering. This link also applies for Web Builder Email customers. This will prevent messages from reaching your mailbox.
  2. Create an Outlook rule to automatically filter unwanted emails into a specific folder in your mailbox. This will not stop emails from being delivered to you, but it will keep them out of the way and make them easier to delete.

 You may need to use both of these options. For tips on filtering your email and instructions on setting up an Outlook rule, see below.

How are messages scanned? 

All incoming mail has a Spam Score assigned to it, and when that score is low, the email message is delivered. Any incoming email from a Sender who complies will the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 generally has a low Spam Score and is not filtered. To stop mail coming from Senders who comply with this federal law, we recommend following the unsubscribe links embedded in the email messages. 

What do the emails have in common?

In order to filter your spam (either with Barracuda or Outlook rules), you have to find commonalities between the unwanted emails you receive. Some commonalities might include:

  • The same email address. 
  • The same domain (e.g.
  • The same top-level domain (e.g. .com, .org). You should not block common top-level domains such as .com, .org, and .us.
  • The same keywords in an email address or the subject line. Example: bounce, contact, wordpress.

You can find commonalities by sorting your inbox by sender or by subject, or by searching your inbox for suspected keywords. If you are able to block a specific email address, domain, or top-level domain, you should use your Barracuda spam preferences to do that. If your spam is not coming from the same email address or domain, you should use Outlook rules. 

Filter using Outlook rules

We recommend using the following options for your Outlook rule. You can find step-by-step instructions on creating Outlook rules in Manage email messages by using rules External link . (What's this?)

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  • Template: Choose Apply rule on messages I receive.
  • Conditions: Choose one of the following, depending on where you found the keywords. You may need to create multiple rules. 
    • with specific words in the sender's email address
    • with specific words in the subject
    • with specific words in the body
    • with specific words in the subject or body
  • Action: Choose Move it to the specified folder and create a new folder to hold these messages.
  • Exception: Do not choose any exceptions.

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Internal only

If the customer is unable to identify a pattern for the email messages they are concerned about, please reach out to CitrixPortalTech for VO/SaaS Exchange customers or WBAdmin for Web Builder Email customers. Those teams can search mail logs for all inbound mail to a customer which is marked as Accepted (delivered to the customer's inbox) from the past seven days.  If a pattern can be found, the customer can create an Outlook rule to filter based on that pattern.