Hiding and unhiding alternatives and years

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You can choose to hide any alternative and year from the main data-entry window for an open plan without deleting the data for those alternatives and years. This can help make work on large plans more manageable by reducing the amount of visible information.


  • To hide all years except the current calendar year, choose View > Hide/Rearrange > Show [year] Only.
  • To unhide all hidden alternatives and years, choose View > Hide/Rearrange > Reveal Hidden Columns.
  1. Open a plan and choose View > Hide/Rearrange > Hide/Rearrange More.
  2. In the Hide/Rearrange… dialog, click the Alternatives or Years option in the View group box. By default, all alternatives and years in the current plan are not hidden.
  3. Perform one of the following steps.

    • To hide an alternative or year, highlight the alternative or year in the right pane and click the Clear button.

      Note: Plans must include at least one visible alternative and year.

    • To unhide an alternative or year, highlight the alternative or year in the left pane and click the Select button.

      Note: Alternatives and years that are not hidden are displayed in gray text in the left pane.

  4. Click OK.

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