Print Forms dialog

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Use the Print Forms dialog to print or preview IRS Form 1040-ES from Planner CS. You can also send a copy of this form to FileCabinet CS or Onvio Documentsif you are licensed for the application.

To open this dialog, choose File > Print Forms. A plan must be open in order to open this dialog.

Special information

Printing IRS forms

Printing plan data reports and graphs

Printing fields and data in an open tab

Uploading items to Onvio Documents

Fields & buttons

This checkbox displays your computer's default printer or the printer you selected using the Printer button. The checkbox must be marked in order to print or preview the report or form.

Click this button to open the Print Setup dialog, which you use to select a printer and set options such as the print orientation, paper source, and printer properties.

This checkbox is available only if you are licensed for FileCabinet CS and have it installed. Mark the FileCabinet CS checkbox to store a copy of the report or form in FileCabinet CS. If you mark only this checkbox and not the Printer checkbox, the Print button at the bottom of this dialog becomes the To Cabinet button. Click this button to print the report or form to FileCabinet CS.

For more information, see What is FileCabinet CS?.

Mark this checkbox to upload the report or form to Onvio Documents. Once you click Print, your documents will upload to the applicable client folder in the Client Documents tab.

For more information, see Uploading items to Onvio Documents.

When the FileCabinet CS checkbox is marked, use this field to specify the folder year to which plan data is printed in FileCabinet CS.

Use the Alternative and Year drop-down lists to select the plan alternative and year that include the federal estimated payment amounts for the printed Form 1040-ES vouchers.


  • The taxpayer and spouse name, address, and Social Security number transfer to the printed Form 1040-ES from the File > Plan Information dialog.
  • The federal payment amounts transfer to the printed form from the 1st - 4th ES Payments fields located in the Payment > Federal Pmts tab.

Enter the number of copies of the plan or report that you want to print in this field, or use the arrows to choose the number of copies.

Click this button to preview the report or form before you print it.

Note: This button is available only if the Printer checkbox is marked.

Click this button to print the report or form. If the Printer checkbox is not marked and the FileCabinet CS checkbox is marked, this button becomes the To Cabinet button. Click this button to store the report in FileCabinet CS.

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