Entering plan data

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Use this procedure to enter data for a plan, including detailed information or multiple items for a specific field and to allocate amounts among the taxpayer, spouse, or states, if applicable.

  1. Add a new plan or open an existing plan.
  2. Click a flag button on the toolbar to select the federal or state module in which you want to enter data.
  3. Click a button and tab in the main data-entry window to navigate to the desired data-entry field.

    Business activities: When you click the Activities button in the federal module, the Business Activities dialog will open, in which you must select an existing activity or add a new activity. (See Entering business activities for details.) After selecting or adding an activity, click the Data Entry button, click a tab if necessary, and proceed to the next step.

  4. Enter data into the data-entry (white) fields. Or, double-click a data-entry field to open a window in which you can enter detailed information or multiple items, and allocate amounts among the taxpayer, spouse, or states if applicable, for that field. Planner CS uses the entered data to calculate the amounts shown in the calculated (gray) fields.


    • Wages: When you double-click a data-entry field in the Income > Wages tab, the W-2 Information dialog opens, in which you can enter W-2 information for multiple employers or states and project wages.
    • For details about the different types of data-entry fields, see Data-entry fields in the glossary.
    • A black square appears on a button or tab when numerical data is entered. However, data entered in a Yes/No checkbox or in a field with a drop-down list will not cause a black square to appear on a button or tab.

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