Client Management reports

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If you are licensed for the Client Management module, a selection of client management reports are available in the Print Reports screen. Client management reports help you track and manage your firm’s relationships with its clients. You can print reports to help you analyze why your firm wins or loses clients, and to track interactions with various firm contacts.

Note: Some terms used in these reports are firm terminology variables. Your firm might use different terms for some items. To view the default terms for these items, choose Help > Enable Default Terminology.

To view and print a Client Management report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click one of the reports under Client Management in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

Client Management reports include the following:

Another Client Management-related report, the Contacts report, appears under Lists in the Print Reports screen. This report, which is available to all users of Practice CS, enables you to view all of your firm’s contacts. If desired, you can group contacts by the clients with which they are associated.

If you encounter an SQL Server error with several “invalid column name” messages when you attempt to print a report, you may need to clear any applied filters before selecting the report.

To do this, hold down the SHIFT key as you select the report.

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