Changing preferred contacts or billing contacts

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To change the designated preferred contact or billing contact for a client, follow these steps. For more information on these contact types, see Managing contacts.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients and click the Contact Info tab.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Click the down arrow Down arrow button for the contact you want to change (preferred or billing).
  4. Select the desired contact from the list of contacts. You can search for a contact or use the Filter field to narrow the list.
  5. Click Enter to save your changes.


  • You can also right-click a contact and choose Preferred Contact or Billing Contact from the context menu to assign that role to the contact. Choosing a role already assigned to the contact will remove the contact from that role.
  • You can edit the preferred and billing contacts of multiple clients at once by clicking the Edit multiple Clients link at the bottom of the Clients setup screen and then selecting the Change Client information option.

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