Practice CS was able to connect to your database server, but could not find an available Practice CS database to connect to. You will not be able to access Practice CS until a Practice CS database is available.

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All Practice CS databases may have been deleted. Follow the steps below to reinstall the Sample database to open Practice CS.

  1. From the server where Practice CS is installed, download the latest version of Practice CS from the My Product Downloads page of the website.
  2. Open the installation package and run Step 2 of the installation. If it will not allow you to reinstall Step 2 without first completing Step 1, install Step 1 to the same location as you originally installed like X:\WinCSI\.(Caution this may cause a reboot of your server)
  3. You may choose to skip Step 3 of the installation.
  4. The Sample database should now be installed, try to re-open Practice CS.


  • If you have enabled Remote Entry you may receive this error when not connected to your network and you have not created a Remote Firm. Connect to your network and try opening Practice CS again.
  • If you have enabled Remote Entry and are connected to your network, you may receive this error if your workstation is unable to access the SQL Server on your network. In this event, you should address this issue using the steps in Troubleshooting Slow Performance with High SQL CPU Utilization.

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Support: For Virtual Office/SaaS firms, see the Web CF.

If the firm's SQL database includes the firm ID in the database name but the firm currently has trial licenses shown, they will receive this error message.

If the steps above don't resolve the issue, you can walk the user through the following steps as an alternative.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Expand the Security folder.
  3. Expand the Logins Folder.
  4. Right-click CreativeSolutionsPracticeCSDatabaseOwner and select Properties from the context menu.
  5. Click the User Mappings page from the left side of the dialog.
  6. Mark the checkbox next to the database you're unable to open.
  7. Mark the db_owner checkbox in the Database role membership for: [database_name] section.
  8. Click OK.