Entering contributor information (990)

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Use the Contributor Information window to enter contributor information for Schedule A and Schedule B. The contributors you add appear in the Contributor spreadsheet at the top of this window.

To open the Contributor Information window, click the Contributor / Officer Electronic Filing Status button button and select Contributor Information. Alternatively, choose View > Contributor / Officer > Contributor Information.

Click the Add Electronic Filing Status button button or choose People > Add.

Highlight the appropriate contributor in the Contributor spreadsheet at the top of the window, then click the Delete Electronic Filing Status button button, or choose People > Delete.

To import a list of contributors from an Excel file:

  1. Export the contributor information from UltraTax CS into Excel. This creates the spreadsheet that you will enter the rest of your contributor information into. The import won't work with spreadsheets that weren't created by exporting from UltraTax CS. Click the "Exporting contributor information" link below for instructions.
  2. Enter your contributor information in the Excel template created by UltraTax CS.
  3. Choose Utilities > 990 Excel Import. If you don't see this option, make sure the Contributor Information window is closed.
  4. Select the Excel file from the Import Excel Worksheet window.
  5. Mark Contributor Data at the bottom of the window.
  6. Click Import.

To export a list of contributors to an Excel file: 

  1. Choose Utilities > 990 Excel Export. If you don't see this option, make sure the Contributor Information window is closed.
  2. Select the excel file from the Export Worksheet window.
  3. Mark Contributor data at the bottom of the window.
  4. Click Export.

Mark this checkbox if you want to limit the use of contributor information to the calculation of Schedule B. With this option selected, entered contributions will not be reported on Form 990, Part VIII; Form 990-EZ, Part I; Form 990-PF, Part I; Schedule A; or Schedule M.

Mark this checkbox if you want Schedule A, Part II, Section A to use the contributor information to calculate. If this checkbox is not marked, the return will rely on information from Screen SchA, Part II & III.

Contributor Information tab

Use this tab to enter general contributor information, including name and address. Data entered on this tab completes Part 1 of Schedule B. For more information see, Contributor Information tab.

Contribution tab

Enter cash and non-cash contributions reportable on Schedule B on this tab. For more information see, Contribution tab.

Section 501(c)(7),(8),(10) tab

Enter information on this tab to complete part of Schedule B, Part III. Information entered on this tab does not apply to Form 990-PF. For more information see, Section 501(c)(7),(8),(10) tab.

Transfer Information tab

If a contribution was gifted to another organization use this tab to complete the information for part of Schedule B, Part III. For more information see, Transfer Information tab.

Schedule A tab

Complete the fields on this tab to enter data for the Support Schedule on Schedule A, Part II or Part III. Additionally, you may need to enter information on screen SchA to complete Schedule A. For more information see, Schedule A tab and Screen SchA.


  • Press PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP while on a field to go to the same field for the next or previous contributor in the list. For example, if the cursor is located in the Cash Contribution field for the first contributor and you press PAGE DOWN, the cursor moves to the Cash Contribution field for the second contributor. This is helpful if you want to update the same information for multiple contributors.
  • You can add up to 999 contributors for each 990 client.

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