990 e-file error: F990-906-01 or F990-902-01

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  • Database Validation Error: /Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/EIN: The "EIN" in the return must have been established as an exempt organization return filer in the e-file database. (rule F990-902-01)
  • The return type indicated in the return header must match the return type established with the IRS for the EIN. (value 990XX, rule F990-906-01)

Note: The value represents the type of 990 in the efile.


This error is caused by the EIN not being classified as an exempt organization in the IRS database.


Verify that the correct EIN has been entered on the 990 screen in the General folder. If it is incorrect, enter the correct EIN and then re-create and resubmit the electronic file.

If the EIN has been entered correctly, then you will need to contact the IRS e-help desk at 1-866-255-0654. If this e-File database error cannot be resolved, the return will need to be filed on paper.

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